Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)
Writing in a diary,watching television,talking with friends,speaking on the telephone,and 11 a menu——what do they have in common?They are all 12 of communication.It has been 13 that people spend more time communicating than they spend in any other complex activity in life. 14 ,communication is a word that most people have difficulty 15 and talking about.
The word communication may be used to identify activities that do not 16 people.For example,the word may sometimes be used to describe the 17 that animals relate to each other. 18 ,it is said that electronic devices “communicate”with each other.However,communication most often refers to activities among people.Thus,communication may be defined as the19 by which people exchange feelings and ideas with one another.
20 this definition is clear and simpe,much more needs to be said.
11.[A]read [B]reading [C]to read [D]having read
12.[A]patterns [B]fashions [C]forms [D]models
13.[A]estimated [B]predicted [C]designed [D]counted
14.[A]Therefore [B]Hence [C]Moreover [D]Even so
15.[A]deserving [B]demonstrating
[C]describing [D]defining
16.[A]involve [B]evolve [C]resolve [D]revolve
17.[A]methods [B]ways [C]habits [D]techniques
18.[A]Traditionally [B]Constantly
[C]Similarly [D]Usually
19.[A]measures [B]means [C]modes [D]manners
20.[A]When [B]Now that [C]While [D]If
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