1. It took a long time for her to ______ the fact that her husband was dismissed.
A. come up against B. come up to
C. come up with D. come to terms with
2. Was it in that school ______ he developed his interest in physics?
A. which B. from which C. where D. that
3. ______ for your help,I would not have over come the psychological pressures and tensions.
A. Not been B. Without being
C. Had it not been D. Not having been
4. ______ nothing to say,the boy shied way from the crowd.
A. Have B. Having C. Had D. Having being
5. As activity carried _____as one thinks fit in one's spare time,leisure has several functions.
A. on B. out C. off D. over
6. Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter ______ he really needs is encouragement?
A. when that B. since that
C. when what D. now that
7. The other timing system belongs in our internal clocks,which,left ______ would tie the body to a 25-hour rhythm.
A. behind B. alone C. out D. aside
8. It has been years ______ I returned home.
A. after B. that C. since D. when
9. We'll keep you ______ any news.
A. up to date with B. in step with
C. in line with D. in terms of
10. I'd like to go to the cinema,but I'm ______ to.
A. enable B. disable
C. unable D. able
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