Sometimes people find really wonderful things when they are not looking 11 them. One example was John Colter. Colter was a mountain man who lived 12 in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. He loved to walk in the mountains, but one day in 1803 he saw a strange 13 . Water was shooting high into the air and 14 into a green pool. It was a natural water fountain. Colter found other pools of blue water. Some of the pools were hot. The chemicals in the water made a beautiful color, 15 they also made it smell bad. 16 there were large, clear lakes and spectacular waterfalls on cold, clear mountain rivers. Colter was excited, so he told 17 about the place. 18 , the other people did not believe him. They thought that he was a dreamer, a fool. 19 they saw these wonders, they too were excited. Today the place Colter 20 is known as Yellowstone Park.
11. A. forward B. for C. upon D. into
12. A. along B. alive C. alone D. lonely
13. A. sight B. site C. glimpse D. glance
14. A. fall B. falling C. to fall D. falls
15. A. but B. and C. thus D. so
16. A. Nearly B. Near C. Next to D. Nearby
17. A. the other B. others C. another D. each other
18. A. Then B. However C. Therefore D. Consequently
19. A. Since B. Before C. After D. While
20. A. initiated B. invented C. created D. discovered
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