III.Reading comprehension (30 poings for each item)
Passage One
Questions 21 t0 25 are based 0n the following passage.
Many 1anguage learners fail to realize that when they listen to their native Language they do not actually hear every word.They also fail to understand that they integrate their knowledge about language with their experience and knowledge of such things as topic and culture, and do not need to hear to hear every word. This means that learners Often have unrealistic expectations and try to understand each word Of a listening text. As some experts point 0ut,“such total comprehension…is a misconception 0f how normal comprehension works in the native language.” Learners'anxiety may get worse when a classroom procedure does not provide adequate context for the text Or prepare the topic by activating their prior knowledge;in Other words,a procedure which asks students to“Listen to the text and then answer the questions.” This tests listening ability rather than aiming to teach it.Adults returning to English language learning whose earlier experiences have been of this nature may have developed negatlve perceptions 0f their ability as 1isteners and a maior task for the teacher will be to build confidence. This means recognizing anxiety and a major tasking care to provide positive classroom experiences.For example,the teacher needs to make sure that the pace and length of a 1istening activity is not too taxing as the concentration required in trying to cornprehend unfamliliar sounds can be tiring.
21.When they comprehend their native language by 1istening,many language learners tend to think that they_____。
A.need to hear every word
B.have linguistic knowledge
C.know the culture very well
D.have some existing experience
22. According to the passage,foreign language learning depends very much upon_____.
A. native lauguage competence B.ability to concentrate
C. experience and knowledge D.personal preference
23.This passage is mainly about _______.
A. writing B.speaking
C. reading D. 1istening
24.The language teacher should _______.
A.develop negative perceptions Of students'ability
B.activate the prior knowledge students have
C.refer t0 the past experience 0f adult 1earners
D.help students understand their native 1anguage first
25.The word''taxing“in the last sentence probably means 。
A. costly B. demanding
C. anxious D.interesting
Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage。
Man's mind is his tool Of survival.The mind is used to gain,use,store,and recall knowledge.It is his mind that enables a famer t0 know what t0 plant,when to harvest it,
how to prepare food from the result.It is his mind that enables a hunter to know what he needs to make a spear,how t0 make it,and how to use it.And it is his mind that enables a blacksmith to know how t0 make iron tools.In short,it i s the mind that enables a person to know what to d0 in order tOosurvive.
Man's mind allows long—range planning and thinking.It enables such long—range planning as required for farming,hunting,and tool making.These efforts require the ability to form concepts of long—term cause and effect chains.”I need t0 make a spear tonight SO I can hunt tomorrow and have food for the next 7 days.“There may be environments where people could survive for a while without long—range planning,but without the results 0f knowledge like spears,fire,and 0ther technologies,people would get out—bred by Other animals and die out。
Man's mind is his tool for survival,but like all tools,it must be properly used.The mind makes good use 0f knowledge,and knowledge can only be 0btained through reason.Without reason,there is no knowledge,and thus no survival。
You must recognize reality and act in accordance with it in order t0 be successful.To the extent that you use reason as your method of judgment in knowledge and action,you will survive and flourish .If you ignore or escape form reality you will suffer and die.
It is very important t0 note that survival by reason requires the freedom to act according t0 your reason.That is why people d0 not develop well in the control of others,and can not survive when they are subject t0 foree that destroys their ability to act on reason.
26.It is his mind that enables a farmer t0 know how to_______.
A.make spears B.hunt for animals
C.make iron tools D.cultivate crops
27.The first two paragraphs show that man's mind______.
A. is his basic means Of survival B. enables him to act at will
C. is used to protect themselves D. helps him 100k int0 reality
28. In order to survive,man should_______.
A.be conquered by 0thel”allimals
B.make a long—range plan for the future
C.1earn to recall knowledge
D.1earn to think reasonably
29.Without the results Of knowledge like spears,fire,and Other technologies,people_____.
A.Could only survive for7 days
B.would kill off a11 the animals
C.would be controlled by 0thers
D.would disappear from the earth
30.It is reasonable that if people want to survive,they should______.
A.develop well in the control of others
B.ignore or escape from reality
C.have freedom to act on reason
D.be subject to certain environments
Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage。
It happened again the other night.We're watching the weather report on television.Ageneric-looking(相貌平平)man in a generic-looking suit slides back and forth before a map of the region,telling us we have nothing to worry about.Only a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm after midnight.It's 6:30 p.m.He smiles,tells us to have a great evening and fades away to sports.Less than an hour later,it's pouring.And I mean pouring.Sheets-of-rain-down-the-windowpanes pouring.It remains one of life's 1ittle mysteries to me how such well-intentioned and well-trained people using such high-tech equipment can be so wrong,and so often.
I've often said that if I made that many mistakes in front of so many people,I'd have been out of job 35 years ago.I grew up on the windswept(受大风侵袭的)plains of western New York
State.When the m an on the Buffalo station said it was going to snow,it snowed.It never failed. This was October,usually around Halloween(万圣节)。 He then predicted snow for the next six months,and he was never wrong November. December.January.February.March.April.Snow.Even as a kid,I figured Out this wasn't rocket science.But at least he was always accurate.He had no equipment,no red or blue or green spots floating across his map.In fact,I'll not sure I remember a map。In those days,we a11 knew where we were.NO map was equired。He got most()f his forecast tips,I suspect,from his bones and how they felt.
I have my simple theories why weather reporting is so inaccurate. Weathe repOrters rarely go outside.Nor can they see outside.MOst 0f them work in windowless buildings.
31.The sentence''It happened again the 0ther night''implies that .
A. weather reporters are Often fired because they are inaccurate
B. it rains much too 0ften at night in that area of the country
C. inaccuracies in teleVisiOn weather reports are frequent
D. the author Often watches the weather report on teleVisiOn
32.The phrase“fades away to sports”(para.1)means .
A. he goe s on t0 talk ab0ut sports programs
B.he goes away t0 play sports after work
C.sports programs begin when he disappears
D. sports have to be cancelled because 0f ranin
33.1t began t0 rain .
A at 6:30 p.m. B before 7:30 p.m.
C after 7:30 p.m D by midnight
34.What the author intends to say id that weather reports are inaccurate because weaher reporters .
A. are not well—equipped as expected
B.are not always responsible enough
C.go unpunished for their mistakes
D.do not conduct enough fieldwork
35. According to the author ,the man on the Buffalo station was accurate in predicting weather because .
A. his pay depended on the tips he got from weather reports
B. what he felt in his bones helped to foresee the weather
C. it was the knowledge he gained from his ancestors
D. he could see snow coming from the windswept plains
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