V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each)
56. Small shops offer products that range from inexpensive to expensive, __ (depend) on the shop.
57. Our training program covers a range of __ (effect) management techniques.
58. Large sums of money have to __ (spend) each year on railway construction.
59. He saw a letter lying on the table __ (address) to him.
60. It is highly __ (desire) that the government give the company more financial support.
61. She had an outward __ (appear), but deep down she was really worried.
62. There are a __ (surprise) large number of mistakes in the test paper.
63. Weather __ (permit), the football match will be played on Wednesday.
64. He lay perfectly still and __ (play) dead to escape capture by the enemy.
65. We are supposed __ (follow) the teachers9 instructions,
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