二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)
1.When I was a child,I lived with my mother,my father having been away to work in the town. I was then not___11___nine years old,lonely and expectant, ___12___for things which I knew little about. I walked out alone one morning along the mountain tops___13___ my home stood. The sun had not yet risen,and the air ___14___rain of the night and the mountain grass was heavy___15___tiny drops of water. As I looked back,I could see the marks my feet____16____on the long grassy slope behind me. I walked till I came to a place____17___a little stream ran into the deep valley below. Here it passed between soft,____18____banks;at one place a large slice of earth had fallen away from the bank on the other side,and it had made a little island a few feet wide with water____19____all round it. It was covered
with a weed with yellow flowers and long waving grasses. I sat down on the bank____20____a short pine tree. All the plants on the island were dark with the heavy raindrops of the night,and the sun had not yet risen.
(A).in which
(B).at which
(C).from which
(D).on which
(A).have made
(B).has made
(C).had made
(D).having made
(A).at the top of
(B).on the part of
(C).at the foot of
(D).on the ground of
以上就是2008年10月自考英语二考试真题填空测验部分,更多真题+答案可关注公众号:【高升专升本】或添加微信:18650190801 获取;
