Ⅴ Word From (10 points, 1point for each item)
56. This was one of the most________(fruit) debates of the conference.
57. None of the applicants has any________(profession) job experience.
58. Most computer users have never received any formal training; ________(consequence), their skills are limited.
59. Our new office building is ________(infinite) better than the old one.
60. Their aim was to________(modern) the health service, and they succeeded.
61. She felt very________(weaken) after long illness.
62. When the play started, the children________(tell) to sit down quietly.
63. We should take a________(globe) view of our business.
64. It took her only five minutes to work out a________(solve) to the difficult problem.
65. The doctor advised him to eat a great________(various) of food.
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