Ⅴ.Word Form(10point each)
56.It will be interesting to see what's going to happen at the next________(elect)。
57.For those involved, the scandal has been a very________(pain)experience.
58.________(safe)needs to be improved on the railways in that country.
59.The present crisis bears some ________(similar) to the oil erisis of the 1970s.
60.His mother becomes disappointed whenever he fails to live up to her________(expect)。
61.Being a ________(high) motivated lauguage learner, he takes every opportunity to improve his English.
62.Our most ________(success)product is based on a very simple idea.
63.local people are questioning the ________(wise) of spending so much money on the new road.
64.Don't worry. This is the ________(desire)weight range for you health.
65.This scientist was awarded with several titles for his________(accomplish) in biology.
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