V. Word Form (10、 points, 1 point each)
56.Critics should be as objective as possible in their (analyze) of literary works.
57.Her father left her all his money when he died, which made her financially (dependent)。
58.The United States is a country (advance) in science and technology.
59.It is not a bad movie, but there is nothing (origin) about it.
60.At the end of the conference, all the (participate) were asked to fill out a questiolmaire.
61.When a person immigrates to another country, he should (conscious) adapt himself to the new environment.
62 . In my opinion, they should do something to reward their most (produce) employees.
63. The (month) salary for the position will be negotiable at around $2,000.
64. A task of the post office staff is to (class) mail according to the places it is to go.
65. There is an increasing_ (tend) for women to have children later in life.
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