VII.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)
Time is dangerous.If you don't control it,it will control you.If you don't make it work for you,it will work against you.You must become the master of time,not the servant.
Study hard and play hard is an old proverb,but it still makes sense.You have plenty of time for classes,study and play if you use your time properly.It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but how much you learn when you do study.
The more time you waste,the easier it is to continue wasting time.Soon, doing nothing becomes a habit you can't break.It becomes a drug.When this happens,you lose your feeling of accomplishment.
以上就是2012年1月自考英语(二)考试真题英译汉部分,更多真题+答案可关注公众号:【高升专升本】或添加微信:18650190801 获取;
