V.Word Form (10 points,1 point each)
56.Could you give me a quick__________(explain)for how it works?
57.Thomas Jefferson was a leading__________ (create)of the U.S. Constitution.
58.Scholars offer three related but different opinions about different opinions about the__________ (mystery)origin and significance of these paintings.
59.She sat by the fire and felt the__________ (warm)spread through her body.
60.The project is only__________ (theory)workable.
61.Boys are very much in the__________ (minor)at the dance class.
62.We took a contrary view, but we have to implement and_________ (force) the law passed by Congress.
63.In addition to intelligence,we should develop__________ (persist)in children.
64.He is__________ (habit)late for school;he is never on time.
65.It would be completely__________ (responsible)to use drugs on people that had not been tested on animals.
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