VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)
Too much importance must not be attached to the wrong acts done by children, particularly if they happen to be of a minor nature. Many children are likely to be in the habit of stealing, neglecting studies, or using bad language. In nearly every case, the root cause of the trouble is the fact that proper care of the child is not taken in the house. But if the parents are wise, they would correct their children's faults by paying more attention to them. Whatever the case, one thing should never be done. They should not be compelled to change for the better under fear of the rod. Physical punishment does not improve them. It only makes them worse than before.
以上就是2012年10月自考英语(二)考试真题英译汉部分,更多真题+答案可关注公众号:【高升专升本】或添加微信:18650190801 获取;
