五、Word Form(10 points,1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。
1. She was taken to hospital because she was suffering from a(n)___(regular)heartbeat.
2. In all ___(serious),if Mike does resign,a lot of others will start leaving too.
3. The father has adopted a fairly___(tolerate)attitude toward his son's behavior.
4. Soon after that,labor markets became very tight and money wages rose___(rapid)。
5. It was___(honest)of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from Harvard—he was just there for one year.
6. A good___(write) of fiction always manages to have sympathy for all his characters.
7. Mike didn't like to be singled out for special___(treat)at school because of his athletic talent.
8. Doctors soon realized that this drug was also___(effect) in relieving the symptoms of diabetes.
9. She found she was sweating profusely and her breathing had___(quick)。
10. The publishing business is no___(differ)from any other business in this respect.
以上就是2013年4月自考英语(二)考试真题词形填空部分,更多真题+答案可关注公众号:【高升专升本】或添加微信:18650190801 获取;
