V. Word Form (10 points, I point for each item)
56. English is not only ____(teach) at schools , colleges and universities ,but also at evening classes , on radio and TV.
57. If you have learn to love ____(book) as a child , the reading habit will never desert you .
58. Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new _____ (think)。
59. He valued money because it ____(able) him to retire from business.
60. Because of this progress in book ____(produce) , more and more people are learning to read .
61. He had become _____(succeed) in the initial period in a my honor.
62. My mother was busy ________(prepare) a special dinner in my honor .
63. You talk when you should remain _______(silent)。
64. Children are born with an ability ______(learn) and use a language.
65. With just a little ______(expose) to the language , and a little help from their parents children are able to learn to speak .
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