Learn from Your Failures
Have you ever failed? If not, it is 31 that you have never taken a 32 on trying anything new, or else you are lying——
There is nothing 33 with failing, as long as you learn from your mistakes, modify your approach and try again. In fact, the more often you fail, the sooner it will be that you 34 succeed, provided that you do learn and keep trying.
You can 35 only from experience and you get experience only from having a go at something. It may be more 36 to succeed, but you can 37 learn more from failing. This is only if you are observant and take 38 of what you are doing and which things have worked and which haven't. You then need to 39 what has happened, alter your 40 and move on.
So go for it! You will eventually get there unless you stop trying.
A. analyze E. direction I. special
B. pleasant E finally J. grow
C. probable G. start K. wrong
D. actually H. chance L. note
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