Be Grateful
Whether you are a waiter (wait) or a doctor, your job is about serving others and making their life better. We have all 41 (have) experiences where someone 42 (work) in their job has lifted us up and made a 43 (different) to our day or brought us down and made our day worse. We have all met 44 (real) wonderful people cleaning floors. We have also met people
who are not so wonderful but have 45 (amaze) jobs. So whatever you do, be grateful. This doesn't mean you have to stay in a job you don't like, but it 46 (help) you develop a more positive attitude. You may not like your job, but you can enjoy being with your 47 (colleague)。 This is something to be 48 (thank) for. When you practise 49 (grateful), it allows you to develop a more useful outlook and be 50 (happy) at your work.
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