The Princess Disease
Have you ever heard of the princess disease? It is a terrible disease. 26 It wastes away at one's social life and people's tolerance. People with this disease think they are better than everyone else, without a real reason.
Jin is a girl who suffers from this disease. 27 She thinks she is better looking than her friends and most people she has met. It is, as far as she is concerned, a well-known fact that she dresses better, sings better, and dances better than most people in her school, too.
So is Jin justified in believing that she is better than everyone else? 28 Of course, she thinks this is because the singing coach hates her, since the coach has bad skin and is jealous of her. She is good at sports, but she isn't the strongest, fastest, or even the best at any of their school's events. 29 She, again, thinks it was because of the “haters”. After losing, she pretended she'd just run for fun and it was no big deal, but in fact it was a huge deal to her.
Jin de——mitely has the disease. The treatment is to stop being so mean and get a little modesty.
30 She might even get rid of this disease if she tries hard enough.
A. She is too proud ofherself
B. Sin is very popular.
C. Then things might become better for her.
D. She sings well, but not well enough to be a lead singer.
E. It threatens to push one's friends away.
F. She ran for class president, but came in third.
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