Positive Attitude towards Failure
I clearly remember a period duringwhich I felt like a failure. But what I 31 learned was that failing at one thing is not failing at all things. And, in fact, failure is a 32 part of growth. Life is filled with trial and 33 . In order to walk the path to 34 , you need to make some 35 tums along the way. What I learned was to “fail forward”, to 36 each mistake to make myself better. One of the 37 problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judge isolated 38 in their lives and label them as failures. 39 , they need to keep the bigger picture in mind. A successful baseball player doesn't 40 at a mistake he makes and think of failure. He sees it within the context of the bigger picture.
A. error E. necessary I. Instead
B. use F. situations J. success
C. eventually G. Firstly K. greatest
D. graceful H. wrong L. look
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