Don't Be Afraid of Making Mistakes
Lots of people don't dare to make mistakes (mistake)。 They fear that they will be ridiculed or 41 (blame) by others. They fear that they will lose their money and belongings or be under a lot of stress. But risks are 42 (actual) unavoidable and they do pave the way towards success. Have you ever 43 (hear) of someone who achieves success without making any mistakes before?
So it is 44 (nature) that making mistakes in your effort to reach your dreams is 45 (consider) a must, and you shouldn't worry about that as you may get a lot of 46 (advantage) out of your mistakes. By making mistakes you then can distinguish between the correct and the 47 (correct) portions of what you did. Anthony D'Angelo said: “In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what to do the next time.” And Robert Louis Stevenson even 48 (go) to the extreme as to say: “Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good 49 (spirit)。”
You needn't worry about anything as long as you keep on going by 50 (wise) learning from your mistakes and trying even harder.
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