英语(二) 试卷
下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将 其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并在答题卡上相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。
How to Talkto a Doctor
It's' oneof the saddest situations in modern medicine he average doctor' s appointmentlasts 15 minutes or less. 26 That doesn' t leave much time forchatting about the weather or your mood
What youdon' t realize but what I see, very clearly as a doctor is that what thepatient says is more important than ever. 27 They can also make itmuch harder for me to figure out what' s wrong with you.
Medicalschools teach a speific way to conduct an office visit. Part one is thecomplaint. 28 Part two in the physical exam. And partthree is when the doctor gives you a diagnosis and pescrbesrsts or a teatmentChances are, you focus on part three, but the patients who receive the bestcare are those who master part one. The key is to describe in detail whatyou've been feling not just “bad,”but what kind of bad,forhow long, and after what kind of activity.
29 Even though I've been a doctor for many years, I tend to be a lttle nervouswhen I' m the one sitting on the exam table. If I haven' t prepared, I losetrack of the details I inended to share 30 When the doctor asks youquestions, you can be more specifie, and the diagnosis andtreatment will be more accurate. And there may be a few 欢 minutes leftover 'for a little pleasant conversation!
A. No wonder you feel rushed.
B. Of course,that's easier said than done.
C. It is wise to see a doctor with yourfriend
D. It is also called the deseription ofyour problem.
E. So I take a few minutes to write,down some crucial details.
F. In fact,your descriptions can help me give you great care.
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